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 Anti Racism World Cup


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Strenge FIFA-regels tegen racisme van kracht

30 maart 2006 00:02

ZÜRICH - Het leek twee weken geleden op grootspraak van voorzitter Blatter, maar de wereldvoetbalbond FIFA heeft wel degelijk werk gemaakt van de bestrijding van racisme en discriminatie op de velden en in de stadions. De Zwitserse preses kondigde half maart na een bestuursvergadering met "onmiddellijke ingang" keihard beleid op dit gebied aan. "Voetbal neemt zijn maatschappelijke verantwoordelijkheid", pochte Blatter. Daarna werd het echter snel stil rondom het beoogde FIFA-offensief. Ook de Nederlandse voetbalbond KNVB wist officieel nog van niets. Woensdag bracht de FIFA alle aangesloten lidstaten en bonden alsnog op de hoogte van de nieuwe bepalingen. Het gaat allemaal om artikel 55 in het tuchtreglement van de FIFA. De sancties die daarin stonden vermeld voor racisme en discriminatie in woord en/of gebaar bij voetbalwedstrijden, zijn aanzienlijk verscherpt en uitgebreid. Zo dient een speler die zich hieraan schuldig maakt, voortaan automatisch een schorsing van vijf duels te krijgen, alsmede een stadionverbod voor dezelfde periode en een geldboete van 14.000 euro. Voor officials (trainers, arbiters, verzorgers, teamleiders) gelden dezelfde straffen, maar zij moeten bij een overtreding 20.000 euro betalen.  Supporters moeten rekening houden met een stadionverbod van minimaal twee jaar. Clubs of nationale bonden waarvan de fans racistisch of discriminerend gedrag vertonen, dienen eveneens 20.000 euro te betalen. Indien de overtreder duidelijk tot een bepaald team behoort, krijgt de betreffende ploeg bij het eerste incident drie punten in mindering. Na de tweede overtreding wacht een aftrek van zes punten en als daarna opnieuw iemand van dezelfde ploeg in de fout gaat, volgt degradatie of diskwalificatie. Indien de boosdoeners niet kunnen worden geïdentificeerd en derhalve niet aan een bepaalde ploeg kunnen worden verbonden, moet de thuisclub of de organiserende bond met passende maatregelen rekening houden. De FIFA heeft deze week alle confederaties en lidstaten laten weten dat ze verplicht zijn deze veranderingen in het tuchtreglement met onmiddellijke ingang in hun statuten op te nemen. "Deze nieuwe regels worden van bovenaf opgelegd. Dus wij moeten ons eraan conformeren en dat doen wij uiteraard", lichtte een KNVB-woordvoerder woensdagavond toe. "De FIFA wil duidelijk een daad stellen tegen racisme en discriminatie. Wij vinden het een goede zaak dat dit uniform, serieus en streng gebeurt." De zegsman van de KNVB benadrukte dat de Nederlandse voetbalbond in dit kader al het nodige beleid heeft ontwikkeld. "Meer dan de meeste andere voetballanden in Europa. Denk maar aan de maatregelen tegen kwetsende spreekkoren of beledigende spandoeken. Er zijn al duels stilgelegd, gestaakt of zonder uitpubliek gespeeld wegens overtreding van onze eigen reglementen. Deze FIFA-regels gaan echter nog een stap verder. De KNVB staat erachter en zal erop toezien dat ze worden nageleefd."




Schrijf je in voor de World Cup tegen racisme in Italië


Van 12 tot en met 16 juli 2006 wordt voor de 10e keer de Anti-Racisme World Cup gehouden in Montecchio in Italië. Een onvergetelijke week van italiaanse zon, muziek en voetbal. Afgelopen jaar deden meer dan 5000 jongeren uit de hele wereld mee aan deze  “Mondiali Antirazzisti”.

Lees de web-site en schrijf je in met je voetbalteam, je klas of je vriendenclub. Deelname is gratis.


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Anti Racisme.    diverse artikelen (Engels)


     Guide to good practices:      Read more>>

  *   Fans have a role to play:      Read more>>

  *   Action plan for the future:     Read more>>


        *   UEFA anti racism pages



Football unites against racism


Europe's football community has gathered in London today for a unique conference carrying a simple message - kick racism out of football.

'Unite against Racism'
Representatives from UEFA's 52 member associations, Europe's leading clubs, supporters' organisations and anti-racist groups have converged on Stamford Bridge for a day of discussions being held under the banner 'Unite Against Racism'.

FARE support
The conference is being organised by European football's governing body, the English Football Association and the pan-European Football Against Racism (FARE) network, which has been given significant support by UEFA, including financial backing, since the network began its activities in 1999.

Close harmony
Racism and xenophobia has been a cancer within football for many years, and there is widespread consensus that racist attitudes have a detrimental effect on the game at all levels, on and off the field of play. For this reason, UEFA and FARE have been working in close harmony for some time to orchestrate a campaign which transmits a clear and coherent message that racists must be driven out of stadiums and off pitches.

Action plan and penalties
Last autumn, the two organisations joined forces to issue a ten-point plan of action aimed at helping associations and clubs to take measures against players, coaches, officials and supporters engaging in racist conduct. UEFA itself has also reinforced the disciplinary measures that can be taken for racist conduct. Penalties range from fines and suspensions to playing matches behind closed doors, and even stadium bans.

Top players invited
The conference agenda includes presentations by senior European football personalities, in-depth workshops and a panel session including top players, such as Chelsea FC's French international Marcel Desailly, who are active in the campaign against racism. Workshops topics include 'Educating fans, stewards and police', 'Developing policies at a national level', 'What clubs can do' and 'Tackling racism in UEFA competitions'. A draft guide to steps that should be taken to tackle racism in European football will be published at the conference.

Major personalities
Contributors at the conference include: Gerhard Aigner, UEFA Chief Executive; Per Omdal, UEFA vice-president; David Dein, Arsenal FC and FA vice-chairman; David Davies, the FA's acting CEO; Frantisek Laurinec, president of the Slovak Football Association; Dr Alfred Sengle, vice-president of the German Football Association; and the chairman of Chelsea FC, Ken Bates.

Former players
Among the other contributors are the national co-ordinator of FARE, Piara Powar; Garth Crooks, former player and broadcaster; Paul Elliott, ex-player and campaigner; Gordon Taylor, chief executive of the Professional Footballers' Association; plus some leading Premiership players. The conference will be co-chaired by UEFA communications and public affairs director Mike Lee and Lord Herman Ouseley of the UK-based organisation campaigning against racism in football, Kick It Out.

Clubs attending
In addition to UEFA's 52 member associations, clubs represented include Real Madrid CF, FC Bayern München, Liverpool FC, Leeds United AFC, S.S. Lazio, Parma AC, PSV Eindhoven, Rangers FC and Galatasaray SK.

Scourge of society
"UEFA realises that its action against this scourge of society is only one part of the picture, which is why we are pushing for a concerted effort on the part of all those concerned," said Gerhard Aigner. "The European conference on racism is a step in that direction. The first of its kind in European football, this conference is not an end in itself but rather a means to an end and the start of a campaign that should concern each and everyone of us."

 UEFA's responsibility
"UEFA recognises that it has a responsibility to ensure that racism has no place in football," added Mr Aigner. "An important part of the sport's success is that it brings together players and spectators from different cultures. Football always has been, and must remain, a game for everyone and a strong force for integration and co-operation."



 UEFA to fund anti-racism drive


UEFA has stepped up the fight against racism in European football after its Executive Committee approved a fund to support anti-racism activities.

Copenhagen meeting
The campaign to eliminate racism was high on the agenda at its meeting in the Danish capital
Copenhagen and the Executive Committee agreed to donate €1.7m to help fund initiatives undertaken by UEFA's 52 member associations in the 2002/03 season.

'Anti-racism campaigns'
UEFA President Lennart Johansson said: "We have agreed to create a new fund to support anti-racism campaigns among our members." Each association will receive up to €34,178 to cover 50 per cent of the budget of its anti-racism activities over the next 12 months.

National initiatives
Member associations must submit project proposals for national initiatives to UEFA for approval prior to receiving support and UEFA will look at extending the fund into future years. Money from fines imposed on clubs and players by UEFA's disciplinary body will go directly into the fund.

Ten-point plan
UEFA recently issued a ten-point plan of action to the European football community, listing measures which could be taken to stamp out racism. While announcing the anti-racism fund, UEFA President Lennart Johansson took the opportunity to urge the European football community to put UEFA's ten-point plan into practice.

Call for action
"It's not enough to send out a paper - you have to follow it up," said Mr Johansson. "We call on all of the member associations, leagues and clubs of
Europe to take steps to implement the action plan."


Football Against Racism in the Americas



Established in 2003, FARA, Fútbol Against Racism in the Americas is a Not-for-Profit Corporation dedicated to cultural unification through the world's most beloved sport, soccer.

Following the September 11th attacks on the
United States, it has become increasingly important to educate and promote cultural cohesion. We believe that through soccer, perhaps one of the few common celebrations of this diverse world, we can educate our nations to become more tolerant of one another.

If we can all share this wonderful passion, let us use it to our advantage...

















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Progetto Ultra 



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